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Monday, May 30, 2016


The best advice I have ever received regarding fishing was 11 years ago.  I had just moved to Mountain Home and my first stop was Blue Ribbon Fly Shop owned and operated by Dale Fulton.  Like a lot of new arrivals, I asked the question “Where is the best place to fly fish for trout this time of year and what flies would you recommend?”

His answer was a masterpiece of wisdom and one I will never forget.  Dale said "Part of the fun of fishing is finding the fish, wouldn't you agree?”   Then he went back to reading his paper or whatever he was doing when I interrupted.

To begin my education on a low water day I stepped into the White River at Rim Shoals at Jenkins Creek and walked and waded the length of the catch and release area, about 1 & 1/2 miles.  At the end of my journey I knew or thought I knew every hole, log, boulder, beaver dam, root rot, blow down and undercut bank that held fish in that section.  Thanks Dale.

I allowed my education to continue to places with names like Bruce Creek, Three Chutes, Narrows, Wildcat and I'm still learning new places especially with minimum flow having changed so many of my favorites so that now I have new favorite places.  Some are better -- maybe and maybe not. 

My learning has taken me from the dam at Norfork to Highway 5, the North Fork of the White in Missouri and I'm having more fun meeting new folks and catching more fish and making memories in some of the most lovely places you can only imagine. 

So, if you ever ask anyone “Where do you recommend I fish?” and they say “Part of the fun of fly fishing is finding the fish.  Wouldn't you agree?” remember to say “You’re right and thanks for reminding me”.

All these many months of high water has created a lot of moss if you haven't noticed.  A lot of wading anglers have fled the scene rather than take the time to figure out how to fish moss beds.  Let me tell you a one lb. trout on your line with 5 lbs. of moss can be pretty exciting.  Throw in a strong current and you have a fight on your hand.

If none of this sounds like your cup of tea, may I suggest you hire a guide even if for only a 1/2 day.  Make sure your guide knows you want to wade.  We have several guides here who enjoy the time honored method of fly fishing and will be glad to take you wade fishing.  Even in the unlikely happening of no fish (it can happen to the best), rest assured you received a good education that will serve you well in your next quest for the elusive trout.

FYI:  This week we are seeing hoppers being gulped down by the fish.  Try a hopper dropper....a hopper for your indicator and a ruby midge, gold bead hares ear, San Juan worm or zebra midge for a dropper has worked well.  We should be seeing a Sulphur hatch soon so carry #14 Pheasant Tails with you.  Sow bugs just ticking the top of the moss or in the open areas around the beds have produced some good results.


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